Blog | 4DHP
Involuntary leakage, or Incontinence, is a topic that has been long over-looked in the domain of women’s health. Despite the fact that accidental leakage affects anywhere between 10-55% of us women between 15-60 years old.

Incontinence in the Female Athlete

Involuntary leakage, or Incontinence, is a topic that has been long over-looked in the domain of women’s health. Despite the fact that accidental leakage affects anywhere between 10-55% of us women between 15-60 years old.

Even when you might think you are doing everything right, the scale refuses to budge. You might be tempted to take up the next fad approach or quick fix that promises miraculous results. But if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Or, at the very least, it’s unsustainable and unhealthy.

Simple Everyday Healthy Habits to Manage Your Weight

Even when you might think you are doing everything right, the scale refuses to budge. You might be tempted to take up the next fad approach or quick fix that promises miraculous results. But if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Or, at the very least, it’s unsustainable and unhealthy.

Gluteal tendinopathy has been called many a name over the years – trochanteric bursitis, gluteal bursitis, greater trochanteric pain syndrome – however, the pattern we see as clinicians is often very similar.

Gluteal Tendinopathy: Managing Your Hip Pain

Gluteal tendinopathy has been called many a name over the years – trochanteric bursitis, gluteal bursitis, greater trochanteric pain syndrome – however, the pattern we see as clinicians is often very similar.

When digestive issues start to impact on your daily life, preventing you from socialising, causing you regular discomfort, etc, then you may want to try some smart food swaps so you can get back to living whilst still enjoy all those yummy meals that you love.

Gut Problems? Think Food Substitutions Not Deprivation

When digestive issues start to impact on your daily life, preventing you from socialising, causing you regular discomfort, etc, then you may want to try some smart food swaps so you can get back to living whilst still enjoy all those yummy meals that you love.

Despite the health benefits of improving your eating habits, it can be overwhelming. Dr Megan shares her 4 simple nutrition principles that are maintainable.

Four Principles of Nutrition and Healthy Living

Despite the health benefits of improving your eating habits, it can be overwhelming. Dr Megan shares her 4 simple nutrition principles that are maintainable.

We’ve known for a while now how important the core is - that allows our spine to be flexible and fluid but then at the next moment, stiff to brace under high loads. However, one lesser known fact is that our pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in this dynamic system.

The Role of the Pelvic Floor in Core Function

We’ve known for a while now how important the core is - that allows our spine to be flexible and fluid but then at the next moment, stiff to brace under high loads. However, one lesser known fact is that our pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in this dynamic system.